Monday, January 30, 2017

The Internet

 As many have said before obviously the internet has changed man kind forever and it has done that in a lot of positive ways, but it has also definitely impacted humanity in a negative way. The internet has given an unlimited access of information to literally anyone in the world. With this freedom people can familiarize themselves with almost anything in the world. While both of these are huge positives, people have start to lose the basic skills of what it means to be human. Human interaction is not the same it used to be at all. There isn't one conversation out there that isn't interrupted by the casual glance at your phone. Also in some cases people are very behind on their own face to face communication skills. Since they are always behind that screen and can say whatever they want without an immediate reaction from someone.

The Vast World Wide Web

     With time passing and technology advancing, the Internet has come a long way since it was created. Today, it has infinite uses that range from infinite possibilities. The fact that anyone can look up anything at anytime is revolutionary, if I do not know about something or want to learn something fast I might Google it and read about it or watch a video or two. Not only is this easy to do, but quick and easy. With almost the entire population of the planet having access to this seemingly endless knowledge, there are people who think that they "know it all" or are an expert at the topic. These people did there research and are now knowledgeable and have done a small amount of research about a topic, not necessarily an expert. People who go to actual experts who have done years of research and/or hands on experience and claim to know more are just ignorant. Just because you read an article or saw it in a video does not give all the answers.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The internet has clearly transformed our world. We can now learn new things quicker than we have ever been able to before. No longer do people have to spend hours or even days searching for the knowledge they need. Now they can search anything anywhere at any time. This ability takes away from the need to acquire and remember information. From education to recreation, from shopping to reading, no aspect of the human routine is untouched by the virtual world. However, we may not completely recognize the personal and social implications of this advancement. Without a doubt, each new transformative medium has modified our perception. The internet is rerouting our neural pathways, replacing our literary brain with one that is over distracted in ways that sacrifice both knowledge and creativity.