Monday, January 30, 2017

The Vast World Wide Web

     With time passing and technology advancing, the Internet has come a long way since it was created. Today, it has infinite uses that range from infinite possibilities. The fact that anyone can look up anything at anytime is revolutionary, if I do not know about something or want to learn something fast I might Google it and read about it or watch a video or two. Not only is this easy to do, but quick and easy. With almost the entire population of the planet having access to this seemingly endless knowledge, there are people who think that they "know it all" or are an expert at the topic. These people did there research and are now knowledgeable and have done a small amount of research about a topic, not necessarily an expert. People who go to actual experts who have done years of research and/or hands on experience and claim to know more are just ignorant. Just because you read an article or saw it in a video does not give all the answers.


  1. I most certainly agree with your statement about people thinking they are "experts" on a topic because they searched in google for a half hour. When searching on the internet you can never know for certain that what you are reading is 100% true and unbiased. This is giving a lot of people false information and creates arguments that should not take place at all.

  2. I agree with the fact that the internet is revolutionizing society. Knowledge is literally at the tip of your fingers although it may not always be correct. You can find the exact answer you are looking for in seconds rather than going to a library, digging through books, and reading to get one simple answer.
