Monday, February 13, 2017

Is Technology Killing Empathy?

Technology has a huge impact on emotions. People seem to be different on text or a call than in person. However, I do not believe technology is killing empathy. People still empathize and understand one's emotion with or without technology. Although many people seem different behind the screen, they still have the ability to understand another's emotion. On the other hand, the individual expressing his or her emotions may be more open to describe how they feel behind the screen rather than in person if they are not very social.

1 comment:

  1. I think this post is really interesting because the topic can be taken from various points of view. Personally, I am better at expressing my emotions to another face to face. It is not easy for me to say how I am feeling through a text message and I typically misread those of others. However, there are some people who have difficulty talking in person and would rather discuss matters behind a screen.
