Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Against Her Will

Thrasher, James, and Jake Niederdeppe. "The impact of anti-tobacco industry prevention messages in tobacco producing regions: evidence from the US truth® campaign." Tobacco Control 13.3 (2004): 283-88. Proqueset. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.

This article talks about something that is not mentioned too much here in America, but is a growing issue since the 1990's in countries like Africa and Greece. In these countries women-mostly poor women, are being sterilized without any permission. They are either forced to sign a paper in which they are barely briefed for, or a medical personal does it without asking. This is causing many women to become sterilized after their first born baby! This kind of treatment seems unfair because women should have the right to control their decisions; especially when it pertains to their pregnancy. This actually occurred in America in the state of North Dakota. A women was sterilized after she gave birth. She was forced to do it because of the regulations. The sad part is, when she sued the hospital, civilians from the town sided against her. This is something us as Americans should look at. With the events of gay marriage and immigrants being an occurring news topic here in the US, things like this are being overshadowed because of it

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing that something such as forced sterilization is still around today, as it is incredibly unfair and almost barbaric. The fact that it happened in the US is even more absurd.
