Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Eugenics Movement

Eugenics In The U.S.
The Eugenics movement once ran rampant across the United States, believe it or not. Eugenics look to "improve" the genetic quality of a certain population. In the U.S., many believe that Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger to control how many minorities were having children. The United States looked down upon Germany, but some in their country shared the same process as the Germans, and the U.S. may have even helped spread the movement to Germany in the first place. Hitler's fantasy of an Aryan race was modeled by eugenics, he felt blonde hair and blue eyes were the most desirable trait for one to have, though he didn't posses these traits himself.

1 comment:

  1. I also researched this topic and found that the dominant class was able to manipulate public opinion and appoint the power of the government to advance toward the goal of the elites which was to control the fertility of the lower class. Essentially, the elites created a welfare state beneficial to their vested interests. Clearly, this is shown by the sterilization abuses that took place among various welfare recipients. However, I never looked at Planned Parenthood that way, but now I can see that it was a method to control the minority population.
