Thursday, April 6, 2017

Gender Gap in Technology

This article talks about the gender gap from the past years. It focuses on specifc careers, in this case; Women as Astronauts and Women in Computer science. In the past only men had the right to be an Add to dictionary. NASA never hosted trials or even give any chance for women to become Add to dictionary. In fact, one of the leaders of NASA tell women that they should "get out", whenever they think they want to work for them. However, when women finally had a chance to become one, their scores either matched with men or did better. This proves that gender should not play a factor in this field. Secondly, they talk about the low percentage of women in the field of computer science. In my opinion, this is a matter you cant control. What girls do you know out there want to be a computer science major? I feel mem are more exposed to the field when they are younger. For example, video games is something that can push somebody to become a computer science major. Girls don't typically play video games. This topic isn't really a decimation against women.


  1. Yeah I feel like it is not really as big of an issue as people make it out to be. Women generally do not have interest in the fields of computer science. It is not discrimination against them, but just what they choose to do. If a woman wants to be an astronaut or Comp. Sci major, by all means go ahead and do so.

  2. I also feel it is not a big issue. Not to stereotype, but women usually have interest in caring for people and people tend to pursue what they enjoy. Women tend to not like video games and computer science, but there are still those who do. It is not like they cannot get a job as a computer scientist, they just choose not to because they are not interested or there are not other females they can go through school with, the classes will be filled with guys.
